
Showing posts from September, 2020

The ABC of the Work World

The ABC of the Work World The Corporate world is a place where work counts more than anything else. Hence maintaining a professional attitude is the key to cope. And this cannot be learnt in a day or two but is a gradual process. As a beginner it is even more important to practice few values that may help in sailing smoothly through the corporate life. Listed below are the 3 basic values or what we can call them as ABC for Corporate or the Work World.   A - Acceptance Accept the UNEXPECTED. This will make you strong to face everything.  Some practical examples of an unexpected situation are -  1.      Someone else getting the promotion which you were eagerly waiting for. 2.      You end up reporting to a person who was your College Junior or who use to report to you sometime. 3.      and the most common, your Boss is not satisfied with the work in which you have put all your efforts and were expecti...