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Latest Trends in Pick to Light Systems
Latest Trends in Pick to Light Systems The picking information design can be an important factor concerning picking accuracy, picking productivity and how the picking work is perceived. There are different ways to design the information system, in which the picker receives and understands the information regarding which parts to pick for each order. Some of them are explained below: # Traditional picking · Information reaches the picker in form of a Pick list specifying identification, nos., location, etc., of parts to be picked. Usually the picker manually ticks off the parts after picking them. · Designed for beginners making experienced pickers neglecting the pick list, just picking by experience. This may cause problems during design changes, new part introduction, etc. and even if the picker is not using the pick list, time must be allowed to the picker for reading and identification. · ...
The 'MORE' Concept
The ‘MORE’ CONCEPT The Very Basics of Project Management by Saurabh Shrivastava PREFACE When you take your life as a project , you will be disciplined. When you take your life as YOUR project , you will work hard not minding the environmental condition just to make sure you complete your project . You cannot control the environment generally but you can create your own environment. Taking charge of your life is the key to Self-motivation. I came across these lines in some personal blog and has impacted my mind, thoughts so much that I could not resist to include here as I am going to write something on Project Management. I am introducing a concept called MORE which can be a basic guideline for any project manager in any stream. A lot of relevant stuff has already been practiced, published and preached by many experts but still I found this to be a very basic and want to summarize it...
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